Our Story

Hi, I'm Yun Ye - together with the help of my family we are the driving force behind Project: Life.

As a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) fertility doctor with over 40 years of private practice experience, I have seen firsthand the physical and emotional toll that fertility issues can take on women and couples. Many of my patients have tried for years to conceive, gone through invasive treatments like IVF and IUI, and navigated a confusing healthcare system all on their own, leaving them feeling hopeless and exhausted.

My approach to care is unique and different from traditional methods. Instead of relying solely on modern medicine, I incorporate Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) techniques such as acupuncture, lifestyle changes, and a specially formulated herbal tea to improve reproductive health and create the ideal conditions for a successful pregnancy. In today's world, modern tests frequently miss the forest, because they're preoccupied looking at the veins in a single leaf. As a result, numerous women are mistakenly labeled with "unexplained infertility".

I am a firm advocate of treatment approaches that prioritize restoring equilibrium to entire systems, rather than merely addressing isolated symptoms. By fostering harmony and supporting the body's inherent capabilities, we can encourage its natural function: the creation of life.

With this in mind, for decades I have been prescribing to my patients an herbal blend now known as Project: Life. It's an all-natural remedy that balances hormones, increases energy, and optimizes fertility without the negative side effects of other fertility treatments. Throughout my 40-year career in private practice, I've helped several thousand patients start or expand their families. While I utilize a combination of TCM methods such as acupuncture and tinctures, my herbal formulation has been the true key to my successes. Project: Life uses the body's own energy to stimulate production of hormones and simply supports the body in what it was meant to do naturally.

Although Project: Life is custom formulated based on decades of refinement, its science is backed by not only 3,000 years of TCM teachings but clinical studies as well. The ingredients used are scientifically proven to counteract complex endocrine and reproductive disorders, strengthen the uterine lining, and substantially enhance oocyte quality. Together, these effects create conditions for a healthy pregnancy.

IVF typically achieves success rates that vary widely based on factors such as the patient's age and overall health. IUI's success rates are generally lower. However, many of my patients who have utilized Project: Life, whether as a standalone treatment or alongside IVF or IUI, have experienced significantly higher success rates. It's worth noting that a number of these patients come to me after multiple unsuccessful rounds of IVF and IUI treatments and finally find success with our approach.

Given how powerful this treatment is, I want to make it available to people everywhere who need it, beyond the walls of my clinic. That’s the vision and mission behind Project: Life. To offer hope and healing, with a proven treatment that’s holistic, health-promoting, and highly effective. So that more people can experience the positive side of their fertility journey and enjoy the ultimate gift of parenthood.

Why I Do What I Do

Throughout my years in private practice, I have had the privilege of helping hopeful parents with a wide range of fertility needs. This includes those who have struggled to conceive naturally, those who have experienced inconceivable losses, and those who have endured multiple unsuccessful rounds of IVF.

The new families created and positive feedback shared by my patients continue to inspire me to offer hope and healing through Project: Life. As a result, I am honored to count many of my former patients as personal friends, and I find joy in sharing their happiness of being parents. Each thank-you card and baby picture added to the wall of my practice serves as a reminder to celebrate the joy of parenthood and an inspiration to help even more hopeful parents. It is my sincere hope that I can also help you experience the joys of parenthood through the power of Project: Life.

If you’re experiencing fertility challenges, I want you to know that help and hope is available. You can get started with the Project: Life quiz to find your personal ideal blend or reach out to us directly for more support. I look forward to joining you on your fertility journey.

Yun Ye's Credentials

Yun Ye graduated from the world-recognized Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in 1984 one of the top medical schools in China. His training encompasses both TCM and Western Medicine. As an outstanding scholar, he was immediately invited to practice internal medicine at Jianxi TCM Hospital and eventually taught at his alma mater.

During his years working at the renowned hospital among many highly accomplished colleagues, he gained invaluable experience treating internal ailments and general health issues. In 1988, he received his post-graduate degree in Internal Medicine at The Henan University of TCM. 

Yun Ye immigrated to Canada in 1990 and established his private practice in Toronto. Initially, he treated patients with various ailments, but he frequently noticed that seemingly healthy patients were struggling with infertility - a problem that he did not encounter often in China. In response, he shifted his practice's focus to helping hopeful parents conceive using natural TCM methods. Since then, he has helped thousands of patients become new parents, earning him the distinction as a top fertility specialist in Toronto.