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Dr. Ye's herbal tea blend has helped over 5,000 couples conceive.

Project: Life

Project: Life

Regular price $499.00 CAD
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We recommend taking Project:Life for a minimum of 3 months for optimized fertility, but if you don't notice improved energy levels or other health benefits shortly after taking Project: Life we offer a 14 day money back guarantee.

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Success stories from real women

Optimized fertility in as few as 3 months

Modern life is full of stressors and toxins that disrupt hormones and damage organs vital to reproduction. Project:Life’s herbal tea blend boosts hormonal balance and strengthens blood flow to vital organs that are key to creating life.

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Rated 5 stars by our clients

Natural, Affordable, Effective

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Does It Work

I'm over the moon I took the plunge on Project: Life and tried it. My husband and I have been trying to conceive for almost two years, and for the last 6 months I have not ovulated. I sent the Project: Life team hundreds of questions (they were very responsive) and they even told me I may need to take the tea for a minimum of 2 to 3 months to achieve pregnancy. I'm not gonna lie, the taste of the tea is very potent (take some getting use to). I may have been lucky but only after 21 days on the tea I ovulated and my husband and I began trying. Yesterday we received a positive pregnancy test!! WE ARE SO SO SO THANKFUL. Thank you Project: life!!

I struggled for years with PCOS symptoms and “unexplained” infertility by multiple so called fertility experts. After taking Project: life herbal tea and changing my diet to an anti-inflammatory one as recommended I had my first unmedicated natural period and my mood swings, sleep apnea and anxiety all started to improve. By month 3 I became pregnant and just gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby girl. I can’t thank Dr. Ye enough for this miracle of a tea!!

THIS WORKS!! stop looking. We wasted years and so much money trying everything under the sun to solve my unexplained infertility. We finally stumbled upon Dr. Ye’s Project: Life after a referral from a family member. We wish we had found out sooner as we probably would have been on baby #2 by now. After only 3 months of religiously drinking the tea (and changing my diet) we finally got pregnant in February and just gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby girl last month! If it wasn’t for Dr. Ye’s tea I know we would still be going down the lonely path of trying to conceive still. We cant thank you enough Dr. Ye!!!

I have to admit, I was skeptical at first wondering if an herbal tea would help me with my infertility. After trying multiple rounds of IVF and IUI which are so prevalent and touted as the best last resort for those suffering from infertility issues, I didn’t think drinking a tea could do anything. I was at my wits end and decided to give it a go. Thank god I found Dr. Ye and his Chinese medicine. I am currently 5 months pregnant and every test I’ve taken has come back extremely positive. My hormone levels skyrocketed during the 3 month period I was taking the tea and my doctors couldn't believe their eyes!! I’m so so thankful I tried this, the only regret I have is that it took me so long to discover this and after wasting thousands of dollars on Western treatments. Do not hesitate to try!!!

Back again for review #2. Dr Ye helped me to get pregnant with my first baby after being diagnosed with Premature Ovarian failure. 1 year after having my son, I started experience early menopause symptoms and my period disappeared for months (35 years old). I did blood work and sure enough I had the levels of a 50 year old women. 1 month after going back to Dr Ye and following his diet recommendations and drinking his herbal tea I was pregnant with my daughter, who is now a a very healthy 1 year old. My hormone levels are not great again and I will be heading back to him so he can help me balance them out. Thank you Dr Ye a for the amazing work that you do. Helping grow a family is the greatest gift you could give.

We can’t thank Dr Ye enough for what he has done for us. We came to him for help in 2020 after wasting almost 2 years with useless doctors. They were all saying that there was no way we would get pregnant naturally because of poor spermogram. We got pregnant naturally in exactly 3 months after our 1st visit, and delivered our healthy baby girl end of July 2021. Dr Ye is the best when it comes to infertility, in our case it was male factor. The tea and the medicine that doctor prescribed made wonders! The sperm morphology normal went up from less than 1% to 8%, DNA fragmentation went down from 25% to 6%!!! Our urologist could not believe his eyes when he saw the results. Dr Ye is the best!!!

Dr. Ye and our experience with traditional Chinese medicine truly changed the course of our lives and we are forever grateful. At 30, I was told by many fertility doctors that I would likely never be able to have children of my own. I had very low ovarian reserve (eggs of a 45-year-old) and would need donor eggs to conceive. After 2 expensive years of medicated cycles, 2 IUI’s, and 1 failed IVF where we had no embryos, we were very close to spending the tens of thousands of dollars to buy donor eggs. We were desperate for children and wanted to grow our family. I had heard from a few friends of friends about Dr. Ye. I read all the reviews, researched and decided to see him before getting donor eggs. Thank God we did! After only a few months of taking his herbal tea we became and gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby. We took it again for baby #2 and we are now blessed with two beautiful children. We can't thank you enough Dr. Ye!

Dr. Ye said he would be able to help me get pregnant in 6 months. After being told I would never be able to get pregnant, this sounded too good to be true. I followed everything Dr. Ye said. Changed my diet and brewed Project: Life herbal tea. I started to detox my body from all the fertility drugs I had been on for 2 years and finally, for the first time in a long time, had an unmedicated regular period. After 3 months of regular periods, I was pregnant. A total of 5 months of following the traditional Chinese medicine approach. We were in total shock and overjoyed. My pregnancy went very well, and my OB even mentioned how well my body took to being pregnant. In September 2020, I gave birth to a baby girl. She is perfect in every way. She is now 18 months and is very smart, funny, strong and beautiful. We always think about how different our lives would be if we never met Dr. Ye.

Around 10 months post-partum, I started seeing Dr. Ye again. I knew my egg reserve was low and we really wanted to have a second baby. Dr. Ye prepped my body to get pregnant again. He helped me to wean breastfeeding and once I stopped, my regular cycle had returned. Dr. Ye said my body was stronger than the first time and my cycles were like a normal woman my age. After 3 months of regular cycles, just like the first time, I was pregnant again. I am now 10 weeks along and everything is going well. This baby will be born within weeks of my daughter’s 2nd birthday. We cannot believe we went from being told we would never be able to have children to 2 babies within 2 years.

We cannot thank Dr. Ye enough and swear by traditional Chinese medicine. We pray that more people learn that there are healthier, more natural ways to get pregnant and that fertility drugs and IVF aren’t the only options. Dr. Ye really opened our eyes to treatment options outside of western medicine. We now consider the Chinese medicine approach in all aspects of our family’s health.

We would not have our beautiful family without Dr. Ye and traditional Chinese medicine. We are forever thankful and owe everything to them. We will be very sad when Dr. Ye decides to retire but hope that he can rest and live a fulfilled life knowing all of the families he has helped and healthy babies he has brought into the world.

For those struggling with infertility, you have found the right place. He is absolutely incredible at what he does. I was diagnosed by a fertility clinic with secondary infertility. After years of disappointment and being told I was too old to conceive again, I discovered Dr. Ye and his Chinese medicine. I took a chance and had my doubts but trusted the process. I followed his direction, from acupuncture, to his custom herbal tea. Soon enough we became pregnant and were blessed with a healthy baby. The process may take time but investing in my health and fertility was the best decision I had ever made. I can’t thank Dr. Ye enough. I am forever grateful for everything they did to help me along my journey.

I wish I had have known about them from day 1 of our infertility journey. We would have saved 2 years of stress and money that we wasted at fertility clinics. These clinics never got us pregnant and only moved us farther away from our goal of starting a family.

Highly recommended! I had stage 4 endometriosis and tried 4 rounds of western medicine without success. My family doctor referred me to Dr. Ye for Acupuncture treatment, I saw Dr. Ye and took his herb treatment for 3 months, I get pregnant naturally! Now I have a beautiful healthy 3 month old daughter! Thank you. Dr Ye!!

Dr. Ye is the reason why I have my two precious boys through his Chinese medicine and herbal tea. He has helped me, my husband and many friends with countless issues beyond fertility as well. I can’t say enough about him, or express my gratitude enough.

Highly recommended! I had stage 4 endometriosis and tried 4 rounds of western medicine without success. My family doctor referred me to Dr. Ye for Acupuncture treatment, I saw Dr. Ye and took his herb treatment for 3 months, I get pregnant naturally! Now I have a beautiful healthy 3 month old daughter! Thank you. Dr Ye!!

Like many here, I struggled with infertility and suffered in silence with my husband while going through multiple rounds of IUI and IVF. I was at a low point and heard about Dr. Ye and his holistic approach to treatments. I am thankful every day for discovering Dr. Ye! After 3 years of unexplained infertility and trying everything, 4 months of Dr. Ye’s Chinese medicine we got double the blessing with a pair of twins that were born extremely healthy just last month! All my fertility doctors could not believe their eyes. I cannot recommend Dr. Ye’s treatments enough and have told everybody I can! Do not hesitate, I understand the journey, you have nothing to lose!!

I'm only 29 years old and consulted with him before I took the next steps to IVF! I had done two IUIs and they both failed! Four rounds of clomid and nothing but two cysts later! I owe my life to Dr. Ye ! After a few months of his Chinese medicine, IM PREGNANT!! I have hashimotos auto immune disease and he brought my antibodies down from over 1000 to 375 in four months of treatment! This man is a god! Thank you Dr. Ye you are the greatest!

We are so incredibly thankful we met Dr. Ye. We have had a long journey to parenthood, but with Dr. Ye's help we have a beautiful baby girl, who arrived healthy and full term, after a healthy pregnancy. Dr. Ye is a true TCM expert who worked tenaciously to get us healthy. Both my husband (helping increase sperm count) and I (endometriosis, egg quality, heat/dampness) were treated with acupuncture and cooking herbs. I would highly recommend following his guidance as given - while the cooking herbs are a bit labour intensive to make, they do heal. We are so grateful.

I can't say enough thanks to Dr. Ye for curing my stage 4 endometriosis and helping me to achieve pregnancy naturally. I tried 5 rounds of western medicine with which led to 1 ectopic pregnancy and 1 early stage miscarriage. Those treatment s were expensive and extremely stressful. Finally, I decided to quit western medicine and try Chinese medicine. I saw Dr ye and took his treatment only for 2 months! Amazing! I got pregnant naturally. My baby is full term healthy baby and now he is 5 months old. All those lady who wish to be a mother , but given up hope due to infertility, I can confidently recommend Dr. Ye’s treatment!!

THANK YOU DR. YE!!!! Your herbs has worked wonders for my body!! I was lethargic, irregular periods and had horrible PMS cramps. I should have known that my chances to get pregnant were extremely low even though I’m only 26! After trying for 16 months with my husband and having zero luck, we decided to try Dr. Ye’s herbs before going down the extremely invasive and costly route of IVF. I’m so thankful we did!! We had our healthy baby boy this August and he is the best gift we could have gotten this year. Our family is complete for now until we try for a second one next year (where we will be using the herbs again!!

I have stage 4 endometriosis and after 6 rounds, yes 6!! rounds of failed IVF treatments my husband and I had genuinely thought this was the end of the line for us and that our dreams of starting a family would come to an end. We are only 30!! Our last option was to look at donor egg treatments but at the last minute we decided to give Dr. Ye’s Chinese medicine treatments a try after being referred by a friend. OMG!!! We are so so thankful we found this. I cannot believe we are finally pregnant after so many wasted years and invasive procedures from Western treatments. Dr. Ye you have truly saved us and we can’t be more thankful for your help in starting our family!!!

After reading reviews, I find myself fortunate that I have not had to go through some of the invasive treatments like IVF or IUI. In that sense I’m lucky that I was referred by a friend to Dr. Ye’s herbal treatments as a first step. My husband and I are in our 30’s and we never considered that it would be so difficult to start a family. We began trying about a 1.5 years ago and we were pretty strict about following my ovulation cycles and optimal windows to conceive with no luck. We had explored the possibility of going down the IVF route but the cost for us was just not something that we could afford, nor did I want such an invasive treatment. I’m so glad I stumbled upon Dr. Ye’s formulation and the holistic approach to healing the body!! After about 3 months of religiously drinking the tea, we are so happy to report that I’M PREGNANT!!! Our family doctor says the baby is extremely healthy and my blood work looks incredible. He says he has not seen such a turn around in such a short period before in his career. Please don’t hesitate to try this tea before going down other routes, you have nothing to lose and may save yourself years of frustration.

Dr. Ye played a critical role in enabling us to have a second child as a 43-year-old woman. We had tried three rounds of western medicine fertility treatments in a fertility clinic with no success and were looking for a different approach. After approximately three months of herbal treatments I became pregnant and gave birth to a healthy, beautiful baby girl nine months later, now she is 6 months old. I have recommended Dr. Ye to two other friends and both became pregnant after a few months.

Officially pregnant again!!!!!!!! This is our second child and our second time working with Dr. Ye. We are very excited to share the news with all our families and friends!!! For 8 years we couldn't get pregnant and now I can't believe that we are having our second child. Thank you for making our dreams come true.